I managed to keep off the ciggies for another year though, which is a success. On New Years' Day, I will be two years quit. £2,800 saved. WHERE'S THAT MONEY?? Haha, I must have spent it on something I suppose! Books and CD's, probably.
So how did I do on my resolutions?
Decide what I want to do with my life, and do something about it. - Nope, didn't do that
Do something with my hair and eyebrows. - Hair yes, eyebrows nope
Get more organised. - Definitely didn't do that one
Start a creative thoughts, dreams and blog idea notebook. - Nope
Carry on the healthy eating. - Yes for most of the year, failed in Sept/Oct. Weight back on.
So, in all, not very well. I'll carry them forward and use them as this years resolutions.
Aaaannywayyy.... let's get on with the run down of my favourites of the nailart I've done this year. I'll put them in order of date, and then none will get jealous haha.
Oh, just as a sidenote, there were two I couldn't choose between, so there are actually 11 here....
First we have a stamping design using Essie's Borrowed and Blue over Pretty Jelly's Grape escape:
Next we have another Pretty Jelly polish used as a base, Diamond S-teal-er, with a dotting tool used to create the daisies:

Next up we have a sponged gradient inspired by a friends art:
I was so much in love with this when I did it, I can't even begin to tell you. Link to the full post is (here)
Now, we're getting into spring, and a flowery look happened that I loved:
Next, another outing for Grape Escape, been rocking those Pretty Jellys this year! This time I teamed it with Estee Lauders Pure Colour Smashed, which I didn't like on its own, but has been fab for doing nailart with:
The link for this one can be found (here) I think its bold simplicity is part of the reason I liked it so much
Next up, more holos! A stamped/freehand combo:
Gotta love that rainbow nails look! Link to the post is (here)
Now for another one. This one completely freehand:

The post for this one also included a tutorial, and can be found (here)
Getting in to the summer now, and this one is probably my favourite of the year. Inspired by a beautiful chair by Joris Laarman:

The organic look really appeals to me, and the colour came out just how I wanted. There's a picture of the chair that inspired it on the original blog post (here)
Next up, one that other people seemed to like more than I did. I've included it just because it got so many positive comments:

The link to this post can be found (here) along with a mini tutorial
Next up, probably my second favourite of the year. A freehand/nail sticker combo for Alice in Wonderland:

Link to the full post is (here) and that's not the Cheshire Cats body, he's mid-disappearance on a branch hee hee.
And last but not least, more flowers. Bright and cheery:

The link for that post is (here)
And there we have it! My 2013 in nails.
I hope you've enjoyed my stroll through nostalgia land, and thank you for joining my nailscapades in 2013.
I wish you all the best for 2014, lets make every day colourful!
Until next year,